‘Whoa,’ Says Edward Snowden as Sanders Vows to End Prosecution of Whistleblowers Under Espionage Act

By Jake Johnson, CommonDreams.org

“This is the most important stance any candidate has taken affecting press freedom so far. Hopefully this will force others to follow,” said Trevor Timm, executive director of the Freedom of the Press foundation.

Talk Nation Radio: Jeffrey Sterling, CIA Whistleblower, on What He Now Thinks Was the Purpose of Operation Merlin

World Beyond War

Jeffrey Sterling is a former CIA case officer who was convicted of violating the Espionage Act and was in federal prison in Colorado. Prior to this program, as far as we know, Sterling had not been asked whether he believes the stated purpose of the program he worked on. Does he really think the purpose of giving obviously flawed nuclear bomb-part plans to Iran was to slow down a nuclear weapons program that may not even have existed? Or does he believe the purpose was to plant evidence on the government of Iran? Listen to his answer.

Daniel Ellsberg on the Role of a Whistle-Blower in the U.S.

Bloomberg Markets – Balance of Power Video

Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers whistle-blower and former Rand Corp. researcher, discusses the role of a whistle-blower in a democracy and reflects on the Pentagon Papers nearly 50 years later. He speaks with Bloomberg’s David Westin on “Balance of Power.” (Source: Bloomberg)

While Assange, Manning and Snowden languish, U.S. media rediscovers its love of whistle-blowers

By Derek Royden – NationOfChange.org

Until Assange, Manning and Snowden are given similar coverage to these new whistle-blowers, we probably shouldn’t trust the U.S. mainstream media’s newfound love of those who reveal the crimes and incompetence of the powerful.

Messenger: Local spy offers advice to CIA whistleblower at center of impeachment inquiry

By Tony Messenger – St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Jeffrey Sterling knows the inconvenient truth.

American politicians don’t care about protecting whistleblowers except for when they do.

Pelosi Wants to Prosecute Snowden But Protect Trump Whistleblower

By Norman Solomon, Truthout

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was quick to condemn NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden when he revealed the U.S. government’s vast surveillance programs. “I think that he should be prosecuted,” Pelosi told reporters, just days after Snowden’s name became public in June 2013.

‘Is It a Crime to Expose Crimes Already Committed?’

Reading Edward Snowden’s new memoir in the midst of the current scandal raging in Washington, the famous Iraq War whistle-blower explains why all whistle-blowers deserve our protection.

By Katharine Gun – The Nation

MoveOn’s Phony New Campaign for ‘Protecting Whistleblowers’

By Norman Solomon

In the last decade, MoveOn—which says it has an email list of 8 million “members”—has refused to do any campaigns to help Manning, Drake, Snowden, Kiriakou, or Sterling.

ACLU Comment on Edward Snowden Lawsuit

NEW YORK — The Department of Justice today filed a lawsuit against Edward Snowden over his new book entitled Permanent Record. The lawsuit alleges that Snowden published his book without submitting it to the agencies for pre-publication review, a process that prohibits millions of former intelligence-agency employees and military personnel from writing or speaking about topics related to their government service without first obtaining government approval.

Film Official Secrets Is Tip of Mammoth Iceberg

By Sam Husseini – FAIR

Two-time Oscar nominee Keira Knightley is known for being in period pieces such as Pride and Prejudice, so her playing the lead in the new film Official Secrets, released in the US on Friday, August 30, may seem odd at first. That is, until one considers that the time span depicted—the early 2003 run-up to the invasion of Iraq—is one of the most dramatic and consequential periods of modern human history.