There he goes again. In recently proclaiming Hillary Clinton free of any national security breach — even as the FBI was continuing its investigation of her use of a potentially risky private email server for official business while she was Secretary of State — President Obama continued his disturbing pattern of rendering his personal verdict […]
Assessing the Candidates: Obama’s Whistleblower War Leaves Dangerous Legacy for Future Presidents
Here’s the thing about President Obama’s war on whistleblowers: In bringing espionage charges in nine cases involving disclosures or alleged misuse of classified information, the current administration has set a floor, rather than a ceiling, on the number and types of whistleblower espionage cases a future President can bring. And here’s another thing: With leaders […]
Congressional Priorities for Defense Intelligence Agency: Take More Money, Discredit Snowden
Today marks the two year anniversary of the first Snowden disclosures. The anniversary was marked not just with a Snowden op-ed published by the New York Times titled “The World Says No to Surveillance,” but also a major new Vice story on the government’s damage assessment based on documents FOIAed by Jason Leopold. As Vice notes, the FOIAed documents […]
Judge Compares Snowden to Ellsberg in Bid to Fix FISA Court
Judge Robert Sack compared how courts had successfully review the Pentagon Papers with his review of programs disclosed by Edward Snowden to argue the secret FISA Court needs some kind of adversarial review.
Whistleblowers and the Press Heavyweights
Following the late January guilty verdicts in the espionage trial of former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling, more proof emerged — if any more were needed — that many elite mainstream journalists abhor whistleblowers and think they should go to prison when they divulge classified information. One would think that a business that has relied on […]
Are FBI and NCTC Trying to Pressure Prosecutors to Charge the Second Intercept Source?
Are investigators trying to pressure prosecutors into charging an alleged source for The Intercept?