Ohio authorities ignore Supreme Court to arrest journalist

Freedom of the Press Foundation — November 10, 2022

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The Quiet Merger Between Online Platforms and the National Security State Continues

By Branko Marcetic — Jacobin.com — November 09, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security is helping to coordinate tech company censorship efforts according to recent reporting. The line between tech firms and the national security state is only getting blurrier.

The CIA’s hypocrisy on ‘sources and methods’

Opinion by William Neuheisel – Responsible Statecraft — October 18, 2022

The Agency’s carelessness in protecting its own agents reveals the cynicism of the US government’s treatment of whistleblowers.

Reuters recently published new reporting on the story of one of the worst U.S. intelligence failures in decades. From approximately 2010 to 2013, dozens of CIA informants in China, Iran, and elsewhere were rounded up and executed, jailed, or flipped to double agents. In Iran and China, almost the entirety of the CIA’s network in two of its top-priority countries are reported to have been exposed.

Trump can’t declassify documents with his mind — but the whole system is badly broken

Opinion by Jesselyn Radack, Kathleen McClellan – Salon — October 20, 2022

Donald Trump has an indisputably delusional view of what it takes to declassify national security secrets, recently claiming that he, as president, could have declassified documents just “by thinking about it.” As much as Trump’s latest self-serving crazy makes for good late-night comedy fodder, it also reminds us how much absurdity the U.S. government has created in national security litigation. As attorneys for whistleblowers and media sources, our cases have been the breeding ground for abuse of the broken classification system.Beneath the public laugh-fest over Trump’s outlandish claims of telepathic declassification powers lies the implication that somewhere, somehow, there is a clear, fair process for doing so.

Glenn Greenwald’s bromance with Alex Jones: New low for a onetime Pulitzer winner

Once an independent muckraker, Greenwald has moved sharply rightward — but even so, this was embarrassing

By Eoin Higgins – Salon.com — October 7, 2022

The Espionage Act Has Been Abused — But Not in Trump’s Case

Opinion by Jameel Jaffer — Politico

Reforms to the law are long overdue, but they have nothing to do with the Mar-a-Lago search.

Donald Trump Has His Own History With the Espionage Act

By Micah Lee — The Intercept

The Trump administration used the controversial law to target media outlets and sources who provided important information to the public.

Mike Pompeo and CIA Sued for Illegal Surveillance of Assange’s Visitors

By Marjorie Cohn, Truthout

Attorneys and journalists whom the CIA spied on when they visited WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London have filed a lawsuit against the CIA, its former director Mike Pompeo, UC Global and its director, David Morales, in U.S. District Court.

What happened to Glenn Greenwald? The former trans ally now sides with right wing transphobia

By Eoin Higgins — Salon

In 2022, Pride month — June — gave way to an explosion of invective against LGBTQ rights, helped along by allies in right-wing media, particularly Fox News. But there’s also rising anti-trans sentiment in the liberal-left sphere, and it’s being driven by some elements of what might be called the “post-left,” onetime champions of progressive outlooks who have now tilted to the right. Former Intercept writer (and Salon columnist) Glenn Greenwald is one of those leading the charge, turning his audience on to fringe elements of a growing hate movement.

Biden Should Grant Clemency to Drone Warfare Whistleblower Daniel Hale

By Danaka Katovich, Truthout

One year ago this July, drone whistleblower Daniel Hale stood in front of Judge Liam O’Grady at his sentencing and explained himself. After a lengthy investigation and prosecution, it was finally the day when Hale would find out if he would spend years in prison for doing something he felt morally obligated to do: Tell the truth about the United States’ drone program.