It’s one of a number of ways the Senate Intelligence Committee is trying to box the White House in on Russia.
By Spencer Ackerman –
If the Senate intelligence committee gets its way, America’s spy agencies will have to release a flood of information about Russian threats to the U.S.—the kind of threats that Donald Trump may not want made public.
A Leak or a Hack? A Forum on the VIPS Memo
The Nation
A letter from dissenting members of VIPS, a reply from VIPS, and the results of our independent review.
Editor’s note, 9/1/2017: For more than 150 years, The Nation has been committed to fearless, independent journalism. We have a long history of seeking alternative views and taking unpopular stances. We believe it is important to challenge questionable conventional wisdom and to foster debate—not police it. Focusing on unreported or inadequately reported issues of major importance and raising questions that are not being asked have always been a central part of our work.