Archives for July 2019

Messenger: The unwanted spy returns home to Missouri and searches for a sense of belonging

By Tony Messenger : St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Jeffrey Sterling was a man without a country.

It was May 2016 and the former CIA spy was watching television in the Federal Correctional Institution in Englewood, Colorado. He was in the black TV room.

In prison, Sterling says, everything was segregated. There was a black TV room, a white TV room, a Hispanic TV room.

Whistleblowers, Journalists, and Free Press Advocates Condemn Espionage Act Charges Against Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale

By Rights & Dissent

One hundred and seventy three individuals and 50 organizations have joined Defending Rights Dissent, Roots Action, and the Whistleblower Source Protection Program (WHISPeR) at Expose Facts in condemning the Espionage Act charges against drone whistleblower Daniel Hale. Included among the signatories are other whistleblowers who have been victims of Espionage Act abuse, including Daniel Ellsberg, Thomas Drake, John Kiriakiou, and Jeffrey Sterling.