Archives for November 2014

Jim Moran’s Basis for Kiriakou Pardon: Pro-Torture Leakers Have Gone Unpunished

Last week, Congressman Jim Moran called on President Obama to pardon John Kiriakou, the former CIA officer imprisoned because he provided information that helped defense attorneys for Gitmo detainees confirm the identities of their clients’ torturers (the still-covert identities of the torturer was never made public). (h/t Steven Aftergood) In his statement on the floor calling […]

The Leaky CIA’s Case Against Alleged Leaker Jeffrey Sterling

Jeffrey Sterling, the former CIA officer accused of leaking information on a dodgy CIA operation to deal Iran flawed nuclear blueprints, has been waiting for 3 years for his day in court. Since October 2011, the case has been on hold for various appeals. Most of the coverage on that delay has focused on reporter Jim Risen’s unsuccessful […]

President Who Had Yemeni Journalist Jailed Criticizes Impunity for Mistreatment of Journalists

On the first International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists President Obama demanded accountability for those who have committed crimes against journalists. Does that extend to the treatment Yemen subjected Abdulelah Haider Shaye to, in part on Obama’s request?